Frequently Asked Questions
- Does the HALL Park Hotel offer valet parking? Does the HALL Park Hotel offer valet parking? We offer valet parking with a fee for all the guests staying at our hotel.
- Is the HALL Park Hotel pet-friendly? Is the HALL Park Hotel pet-friendly? Yes. Travel with your furry friend to our pet-friendly hotel, which offers a variety of services, including a dog park.
- How far is Dallas Fort Worth International Airport from the HALL Park Hotel? How far is Dallas Fort Worth International Airport from the HALL Park Hotel? Our hotel is 21.5 Miles away from Dallas Fort Worth International Airport.
- Where is the HALL Park Hotel located? Where is the HALL Park Hotel located? Our hotel is located in Frisco, Texas.
- Does the HALL Park Hotel have a Pool? Does the HALL Park Hotel have a Pool? Yes. Our hotel features an outdoor pool with a bar.
- Does The HALL Park Hotel have meeting and event space? Does The HALL Park Hotel have meeting and event space? Yes. Our hotel offers 20,000 square feet of versatile indoor and outdoor event space for intimate meetings, weddings, bridal showers, receptions, ceremonies, and gatherings.
- How far is Dallas Love Field Airport from HALL Park Hotel? How far is Dallas Love Field Airport from HALL Park Hotel? Our hotel is 22.1 miles from Dallas Love Field Airport.
- Does the HALL Park Hotel offer valet parking? Does the HALL Park Hotel offer valet parking?